
The Cryptid

Welcome Welcome my lovely maggots! Jump in, right into the void and horror, make yourself comfortable. I'm your nightmarish host, your friendly neighbourhood cryptid.Look around, browse and feel free to stop at whatever have caught your eye - I have stories, horror universe, commissions for grabs and much much more. You can find examples of my work, my portfolio and personal art - as yes, I am an artist, mostly specialising in digital art with an ungodly amount of love to all things creepy, cursed and horror.

Up at the top, for all interested, You can find links to most of my social media I am curently using. Take a look at YouTube, endulge in an art yourney on Bluesky, or check some of the irrational tiktok content I have over there. You can also try to catch a cryptid live on twitch if You think You're lucky enough (˵ ¬ᴗ¬˵)
Below You can find a schedule of such appearances, to make it a lil easier~
If You would want to support me, there's also a button to visit my kofi and throne pages. Take a look, wander around if You want. All is appreciated ❤

If You have any questions or inquiries You can contact me via BlueSky, Discord, Email or Twitter

To check open commission slots go to Open Slots


The big day arrived!2 out of 3 available slots for commissions are currently open with additional 2 slots for SnekYch!Check my commissions listings via buttons above, pricing and example my work~Please read my ToS and make sure You agree to it before commissioning. Depending on workload there might be additional slots opening soon. If You're interested or have any questions You can contact me via discord DMs, Email or twitter DM.
I'm looking forward to hearing from You! ❤

Stream Schedule

Artfight Unleashed!

Behold! The artfight has started and your favourite neighbourhood cryptid is taking a part in the fun this year! How many I will do? How long would it take?
Nobody knows...
But alas, I'm here and I will wreck havoc on unfortunate victims I have chosen! Beware the night terror, barricade your beds, make sure your light is on...

Game's On



Collectible Adoptable Character Designs

Unravel The Cards

The Bartender

The Soft looking, albeit very well versed in the art of making patrons behave owner of a Saloon in town.Locals know to respect him, otherwise there will be consequences to pay.Towns "spark in the night" as the folks call him.

The above description is an official promotional material - as an owner u are free to change your characters personality, likes, clothes, profession as You wish, or keep it as is.You are free to keep it settled in the starter world (Western) or include in your own universe/or not include it in any if You wish so.

The Cowboy

Little miss sunshine not afraid to get her hands dirty. Might not look like it but will restle any bull to the ground without breaking a sweat with a smile on her face - Mechanical or not.Very happy girl with a positive outlook on a world, although will drag you verbally (or not) off your high horse if needed.

The above description is an official promotional material - as an owner u are free to change your characters personality, likes, clothes, profession as You wish, or keep it as is.You are free to keep it settled in the starter world (Western) or include in your own universe/or not include it in any if You wish so.

The Bounty Hunter

Constantly tired old soul. Saw a lot, lived through a lot, and developed her own morals along the way, not always neccesary in accordance to the law. If she's after your head You might as well skip towns.Rough around the edges and jaded, but a kind one nontheless.
Unless there's a bar fight, then lord help You if You drag her into that mess.

The above description is an official promotional material - as an owner u are free to change your characters personality, likes, clothes, profession as You wish, or keep it as is.You are free to keep it settled in the starter world (Western) or include in your own universe/or not include it in any if You wish so.


Tier 1

85 €

Standard 1 card purchase

  • Character art

  • Character Design

  • Permanent discount on commissions with this character from me - 10% off

Tier 2

150 €

1 card purchase + ref sheet

  • Character art

  • Character Design

  • Permanent discount on commissions with this character from me - 10% off

  • Character ref sheet Front/back view; Headshot

Tier 3

200 €

1 card purchase + ref sheet + additional art

  • Character art

  • Character Design

  • Permanent discount on commissions with this character from me - 10% off

  • Character ref sheet Front/back view; Headshot

  • Bust artwork of character - simple rendering, no / very simple background

Tier 4
The Collectors Budnle

500 €

3 card purchase + ref sheet + additional art

  • Character art

  • Character Design

  • Permanent discount on commissions with this character from me - 10% off

  • Character ref sheet Front/back view; Headshot; accesories/clothes included in the character design

  • Art of the trio together - simple rendering, no/ very simple background

  • Reveal part of the promo video file

All the characters are available

To inquire about the purchase You can contact me via Bluesky, Discord or Email


The big day arrived!2 out of 3 available slots for commissions are currently open with additional 2 slots for SnekYch!Check my commissions listings via buttons above, pricing and example my work~Please read my ToS and make sure You agree to it before commissioning. Depending on workload there might be additional slots opening soon. If You're interested or have any questions You can contact me via discord DMs, Email or twitter DM.
I'm looking forward to hearing from You! ❤


Below there are types of commissions I offer

Please be aware that price existing doesn't mean the commission slotsare open. To check open commission slots go to Open SlotsThank You!

Character Art/Illustration



3 pack...60€
6 pack...110€
9 pack...155€




1 snek...17€
2 sneks...30€


Character Reference Sheet

Character Art


Reactive PNGs

Doodles and Sketches

Vtuber Model Examples

Terms of service

Character Art/Illustration & Emotes


⦁ I reserve the right to refuse any order, no matter the reason. I accept orders fitting any of styles I am comfortable to draw in, which can be found in examples of my work.⦁ Payment is made via PayPal, all of my prices are displayed in EURO. First half of the payment must be made before I start any work, second after the commission is finished and before You receive acces to the folder with your order. It is possible to made a full payment upfront.⦁ Your order will be completed within 30-60 days after the first half of the payment is received.⦁ I deliver my work via dropbox folder that will be accesible after second half of the payment is deposited. Any other way of delivery is possible with arrangement made prior to first half of the payment.⦁ There are 3 major changes allowed, not past flat color phase. Any major changes after the flat color phase will come with an extra fee depending on the severity of change.⦁ There are 3 minor changes allowed through the whole process, any more will generate an extra fee.⦁ I am providing WIPs and updates through the whole process.⦁ You must provide references of character, drawing based on a writen description will generate designing fee.⦁ By commissioning You agree with the possibility I will work on your commission during a live stream, unless agreed otherwise before first half of the payment.⦁ All artwork is considered non commercial by deafult, any commercial use of the commission must be discussed prior to first part of the payment and it will generate additional fee.⦁ You can contact me with questions via DM on any of my active social media, but order must be submitted via email or discord DM. Take note that the fastest answer will be provided via discord.⦁ Please don't harrass or complain when You see me working on other commission/my personal art or playing a game. That is either my free time or neccesary shift needed to ensure I keep my focus. If I accepted and received a payment from You, your order is being worked on and I am making all neccessary effort to ensure it will get delivered within a timeframe.

Cancellations & Refunds

⦁ In an event of poor client etiquette, rude behaviour or severely bad communication I reserve the right to cancell the commission without any rights for a client to the refund of already paid parts of the payment.
⦁ In the event I am not able to finish your order you will receive full refund.
⦁ In the event of any other reason for cancellation a client will receive partial refund that will depend on the progress already made in the order.
⦁ There will be no refunds after reaching flat color stage.
⦁ I retain all rights to all pieces I draw, no matter if they're for personal or commercial use.

Do's & Dont's

Character Art/Illustration
Horror Art/Gore
Tasteful Nudity
Fluffy texture
My anime/semi painterly style

Muscular characters
Other Peoples Artstyle
Any NSFW/Nudity/Sexual content involving minors
Offensive themes/messages in regards to sex, race, religion, itp.

Terms of service

V-tuber Model


⦁ I don't accept commissions that are outside of my scope of expertise, in someone elses style or do not fit well within any of my styles. I reserve the right to decline a commission that doesn't fit my style or That I am not comfortable following on.⦁ Payment is made via PayPal, all of my prices are displayed in EURO. First half of the payment must be made before I start any work, second after sketch for painterly style/lineart for anime style is accepted, depending on the style the piece is made in.⦁ You must provide references of character, drawing based on a writen description will generate designing fee.⦁ While using or displaying the model an adequate credit must be made, linking to a relevant social media of mine. For example credit my username in your bio, on the screen, etc.⦁ Vtube model art made by me includes rights to commercial use by deafult. Use of the model image in commercial manner requiers adequate credit everytime the image is used. In the event of me designing the model first, adequate credit is required when the design is used commercially, aside from crediting original artist of the image used.⦁ In the event of designing a vtuber, if You change a model leaving the same design adequate credit as a designer is required even if the new model is drawn by different artist, aside from that artist credit, while displaying or using the model.⦁ I retain the rights to my work and am able to display it on my social media and/or portfolio.⦁ Any Art, Models or any of my designs are not authorised to be used in any kind of blockchain related technology like NFTs or any form of cryptocurrency.⦁ By commissioning You agree with the possibility I will work on your commission during a live stream, unless agreed otherwise before first half of the payment.⦁ You can contact me with questions via DM on any of my active social media, but order must be submitted via email or discord DM. Take note that the fastest answer will be provided via discord.⦁ I deliver my work via dropbox folder that will be accesible after the model is finished. Any other way of delivery is possible with arrangement made prior to first half of the payment.⦁ There are 3 major edits allowed during the initial sketch phase, after accepting the sketch there are no more edits to the model. I can accomadate any missing details at any stage of the work if they are minor enough and there is no abusing of it.⦁ Any chargeback due to iresponsible purchasing will result in imidiete and permanent blacklisting.⦁ I will be sending out invoices for payments, with a time limit as to not block the available slot. Lack of payment on time will result in cancelling the commission without a possibility of refund.⦁ Violating of ToS will result in permanent blaclisting.⦁ Please make sure that my skills and art style is suitable for your needs prior to asking for commission.⦁ I do not accept any order made by minors without a consenting adult. Buyer must be an adult making the purchase in childs place and will be responsible if there are chargebacks/refunds.⦁ There's only a certain number of slots available at a time for a resaon. Inquires are welcome, but please refrain from harrasing me for an open slots when commissions are closed.⦁ Orders are accepted by choice, not first come first serve terms. Inquire do not equal reserved slot.


⦁ I work full time, attend an university every second weekend and renovate a house. Since I want to provide the best quality of my work, it means the time frame is initially pretty broad to ensure I have time to work and not rush the project.⦁ After first half of the payment final sketch will be completed within 7 to 35 days.⦁ After the sketch if accepted and the second half of the payment is paid, an order will be completed withing 30 to 60 days.⦁ Commission slot is not considered filled until your order is accepted and first half of the payment is paid.⦁ Commissions are made in order they are accepted/paid for. I may work on two or more pieces at the time.⦁ Please don't harrass or complain when You see me working on other commission/my personal art or playing a game. That is either my free time or neccesary shift needed to ensure I keep my focus. If I accepted and received a payment from You, your order is being worked on and I am making all neccessary effort to ensure it will get delivered within a timeframe.

Price Includes

Standard Cutting
⦁ One outfit
⦁ One Set of hair (i.e. one haircut)
⦁ Standard Humanoid Face (2 eyes, nose, mouth, 2 brows, 2 ears)
⦁ One Set of Hands
⦁ Two Accesories (wings, ears, horns, extra features, etc)
⦁ 3 Sticker Expressions
⦁ PSD file, cute and ready for rigging

cutting do NOT include cutting for 3d shoes, joint cuts for hands and fingers nor detailed 3d teeth cutting.

Cancellations & Refunds

⦁ I will send update WIPs throughout the whole process.⦁ Before starting on the lineart/color phase I will send the final sketch for approval.⦁ After final approved sketch, no more changes can be made. For any additional details there is a possibility to buy an accesory/expression etc to the model that I previously drawn, even after the cutting process is finished.⦁ When asked for feedback, please be honest and specific in what is wrong/ok. I need that information to ensure end satisfaction with the project.⦁ After the second part of the payment is deposited I am willing to provide sketches/WIP pictures for promo material/social media posts.⦁ Any major changes after the initial approval will generate an additional Fee. Again, it is very important to be upfront and specific while providing feedback.

Standard Cutting Includes:

  • Cutting of joints like wrist, elbow, shoulder, knee, leg to hip joint, waist, neck, neck to head joint.

  • Separately cut breasts, either both on one layer or separate into left and right breast, accomodating to wishes of a client.

  • Cutting of the clothes, accesories and add-ons as required (excluding shoes). If the outfit or add-ons are ovverdetailed it will generate extra fee.

  • Any shoe accesories will be cut assuming their design isn't overly detailed, otherwise it will generate an extra fee.

  • Cutting of the hair, which includes cutting bangs(if present), side bangs (if present), ponytails (if present), front part of hair and back of the hair, all separately. More detailed cutting of hair or very complicated hair will generate extra fee.

  • Cutting of the face, which includes: Eye cut into pupil, iris, scleara, upper lash, down lash, free lashes if possible by desing. If the eyes are different, both eyes will be cut separately; left and right eyebrow, any neccesary shading for eyes and brows, nose base, nose shade, nose shine, if requested mask for a profile look for nose, left and right ear (humanoid); upped and lower lip, upper and/or lower lipstic if requested; shine for the lipstic, inside of a mouth that includes: Upper and lower teeth (not cut), tounge, inner mouth; face lineart seperate from the color layer; separate freckles/birthmark layers; shading for the face; lighting for the face: "hair cap" either on face color layer permanently or on a separate layer if the hair are present;

  • Cutting of any add-ons either ordered or included in the base price (tails, ears, accesories, etc)

  • Cutting neccesary for expression included or ordered extra. If the expression is overly detailed extra fee will apply.

Proin luctus erat

Ac mi dui parturient eleifend sociis purus suscipit nibh eget

Montes semper quam

Mattis urna turpis nullam velit in vel feugiat malesuada orci eu auctor magnis odio nisi scelerisque adipiscing auctor.

Suscipit sit purus

Porta pharetra lacinia risus gravida mus odio consequat ipsum dignissim dis rutrum etiam dolor duis nec mi euismod ultrices mi auctor col porttitor velit sed dignissim.

Gravida donec eget

Viverra neque etiam gravida nulla hendrerit sit pharetra curae sodales sed aliquam primis nunc fusce ac fusce natoque.

Augue enim erat

Enim placerat

Sit pretium nibh congue imperdiet ata quam quam placerat nunc



Morbi et vestibulum erat neque velit mus erat porttitor ut dui est pretium quisque morbi.



Praesent mauris at mi volutpat at cursus integer lacinia iaculis arcu non justo venenatis lorem.

Metus nisl lectus

Mattis etiam mi suspendisse condimentum metus. In pulvinar purus sagittis placerat malesuada eu ante ac non tincidunt porta nulla diam nibh aenean ante.

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